About our Facilitators
Founder, Rabbi Heather, is a professional educator who is passionate about creating embracing and supportive spaces for all of the intersected identities in both the religious and secular parts of her life. Her work has reached over 8 million people to date and she is honored have been recognized as one of NY Jewish Week’s 36 to Watch 2023, to have had her work featured in the nationally syndicated PBS show Table for All with Buki Elegbede and was humbled to be asked to speak at the 60th continuation of the March on Washington. Her favorite role of all, however, is as the mother of three amazing boys who are proudly descended from both formerly enslaved people and Holocaust survivors.
Rabbi Heather merges her skill sets to serve the Jewish community in several capacities including, but not limited to:
Board Chair at Ammud Jews of Color Torah Academy
Social Justice Commission’s Racial Justice Subcommittee co-chair
USCJ Board member
UJA’s Brooklyn Advisory
Jewish Women’s Archive DEIA Advisory Council
Essays, Articles and Webinars:
Why Inclusive and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Still Matters (Essay)
As a Black rabbi on Tisha B’Av, I’m mourning how Jews have lost Black allies since Oct. 7 (Op-Ed)
Sorrow, Psalms and Freedom (Essay)
Slavery, Social Justice and Family History (Essay)
A Haggadah for Juneteenth (Article)
Racial Equity is Skin Deep: Exploring Bias in our Texts (Lecture)
My Son was Racially Profiled at His Day School. Here’s How They Handled It. (Article)
Juneteenth Through the Eyes of Jews of Color (Webinar)
DEI in Jewish Schools: What’s at Stake for Jews of Color (Article)
JCRC Community Relations Corner: Jews of Color (Webinar)
We’re All Helping Raise Black Jewish Kids (Article)
Jewish Learning:
B’Kol Libenu: The Call of our Hearts-a special Svivah Machzor Companion 2024 (Contributor)
In the Car with Rabbi H: Unpacking Jewish Texts One Commute at a Time (Podcast | Text Study)
My Son’s Non-Traditional Bar Mitzvah Helped Him Claim His Jewish Identity (Article)
In the Media:
Podcasts for Comfort, Education, Distraction by Chanel Dubofsky
Jewish Juneteenth by Shoshana McKinney Kirya-Ziraba
Together We Win (Program Spotlight)
60th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Table for All with Buki Elegbede | Episode 5: Challah and Chutzpah
NY Jewish Week’s 36 to Watch 2023
Moments of Bravery: How Rabbi Heather Miller is Building Lifelines for Future Generations
UJA Black and Women’s History Month Highlight
Listening and Learning by Sam Margolis
Uncentering Whiteness in Jewish Life by Larry Yudelson
USCJ’s Kol Tzedek Conference 2020 | Are we embracing or just tolerant?
Co-Facilitator, Eitan identifies as transgender and queer and brings to this work his own experience of the importance of making Jewish community spaces safe and embracing for him and his family. He’s proud to be part of a movement to help Jewish spaces feel like the one he belongs to. He’s presently facilitating work around raising White kids to be more culturally competent and race conscious.
After a moment, in their own synagogue community, that left them questioning what the receipts were to their claim of inclusion, Heather and Eitan created their unique series to engage in an intense look inward to examine what the source of the disconnect between the mission and vision of their community and their actions in the face of racial injustice. It was in this moment that The Multitudes was born. Since then, their content has created thousands of ripples across the sea of change. Heather and Eitan feel privileged to support Jewish community spaces on their journey towards a higher level of race consciousness.
What People Are Saying
“I loved how you gave of your time, your generosity in meeting us where we are, and your thoughtful responses. You pushed us. I wish everyone in my synagogue could learn from you both.”
— R’Ariel R.
“I’ll add that it was especially interesting to me at this time because we are thinking about moving and are “shopping for a shul.” My husband is a Latin Jew so we have been specifically focused on this topic during our shopping”
— Beth M.
“The two of you make such an excellent/ complementary tag team... Eitan has a phenomenal knack for distilling really complex concepts succinctly and so clearly. Heather's anecdotes of her lived experience as a Black Jewish person were very powerful.”
— Tamara D.
“In May of 2020, when George Floyd was murdered at the hands of police officers, I began facilitating conversations at my new shul about the importance of understanding white privilege, race in America today, and how synagogues can work to become places where Jews of Color want to be and feel safe being. My first call was to Heather. I needed a thought partner, a confidant and someone to be honest. Heather is that person.”
— liav s.
“I was deeply moved by the discussion you led last week and know that it is critical for JTS students to hear you and be asked to work on these issues now and when they are out in the world as clergy facing the serious challenges of racism and white supremacy in their communities, in the country and in the world.”
— ruth M.
“Heather and Eitan’s group helped us focus on making [our] space safe for Jews of Color and on examining practices, norms and culture with a critical lens. While that process is ongoing, it has already resulted in an overhaul of our website [and] a concerted effort to ensure that kids programming during the pandemic includes content that builds on our communal racial equity work.”
— rebecca s.

Transforming your community starts with a journey inward and we’re here to help you take the first step
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