Continue Your Journey
Additional workshops
“Shul shopping” in your space
12-15% people in the US who identify as Jewish also identify as Jews of Color, yet we do not see this diversity in our spaces. Every community wants its members to feel at home but aren’t fully conscious of the things that are keeping folks outside of the fence. During this session, we will meet with your key team to look at your synagogue space through the lens of inclusion. We will brainstorm next steps for your team and help you narrow down what the priority social justice areas are for your community.
This session can be framed around different aspects of your space: race conscious parenting, teen groups or your space as a whole. Contact us for a brainstorming session about how we can best support your community.
Single 1.5 Session Cost: $500
Building the upstander toolbox
During this 3 session series, we will take a deeper dive into unpacking microaggressions, work through scenarios that will help you get more comfortable with how to become active upstanders in your community. We will conclude with a session that helps your community identify its core social justice values and which initiatives you want to own both inside of your tent and in the local community.
This session is great for communities who want to build on what they learned during our Race Consciousness series or the Tzedek work you have already engaged in.
Session Cost: $1200
customize your workshop
Reach out for a consultation so that we can design a workshop that meets the needs of your community. There could me an initiative you’re working on and need a thought partner on or you may want to engage a specific segment of your community in DEI work. We have built ongoing relationships with several of our communities and have designed additional workshops such as:
“So you want to be an upstander” for teens and their parents
“Culturally Responsive Learning Environments” for Hebrew school staff who want to bring DEI work into their classrooms
Session length and cost: varies by need
Babylonian Talmud, Masechet Ta’anit 11a.